
Since 2019, I have been in the American Debate League. I have made so many memories and friends, competed in so many tournaments, and researched so many topics throughout my experience, and debate has become one of my favorite activities. In March of 2022, I competed with two partners in the Harvard High School Debate Tournament. We were researching whether or not Japan should revise Article 9 of its Constitution to develop offensive military capabilities. This was the biggest tournament of the year, and something I had looked forward to for a while. After getting into the top five individual contestants, I was recruited for the Harvard Youth Debate team! This was a huge accomplishment and I am so excited and proud to get this opportunity. I have since started a debate team at my school, Friends Academy.
Harvard High School Debate Tournament March 2022 – Resolved, Japan should revise Article 9 of its Constitution to develop offensive military capabilities.

My written speech:


Judge, this is the pro speech and I will be restating my three contentions. Again we SUPPORT the resolution, Resolved Japan should revise Article 9 of its Constitution to develop offensive military capabilities.

First, if Japan develops a strictly defensive military, it will not be able to contribute to its alliances. Japan is part of the UN. If Japan cannot fight unless attacked, Japan is not beneficial to the alliance, therefore useless. With an alliance like this, Japan needs to be able to defend itself. 

Second, Taiwan has committed a personal security threat to Japan. Taiwan is the largest producer of technology chips. These chips are in EVERYTHING technological from microwaves, to headphones. Without Taiwan providing these chips to Japan, China would make even more money and its economy would drastically increase. If this were to happen, it would NOT be beneficial to the world powers. Also, Japan’s economy would crash, making their military even weaker, and decreasing their ally benefit, as well as their tech-based income. 

Last, Japan can help the US to stabilize the region. According to Jimmy Carter, America hasn’t seen a day of peace since 2001 and is the most warlike nation in the history of the world. China, on the other hand, is gaining way too much power to be ignored, and Japan has the ability to combat China and prevent this conflict. 

Judge-picking the Con side means you support: Japan’s economy crashing, China becoming an overpowering country, and our number of technologies is limited. 

Thank you, Judge, because of this, I urge you to pick the pro as the winner of this debate. 

Japan will be strong enough to fight China with America on its side. But how do you know that America will fight alongside Japan, and if Japan can only fight defense, how can they defend themselves? Won’t they have to wait to be attacked before defending themselves, and even then, it will be too late. 


Judge, this is the con speech and I will be restating my three contentions. Again we NEGATE the resolution, Resolved Japan should revise Article 9 of its Constitution to develop offensive military capabilities.

First, the public in Japan does NOT support militarization. Japanese public opinion always possesses great influence of policy-making. In the mid-2000’s Midford made a strong case that public opinion should sway Japanese policy. The people in Japan don’t want to have an offensive military and believe that defending the country is all the war and violence they need. Judge let me ask you, do the people of America like voting for their own opinions? That is a freedom we have, and imagine it being taken away. The people of Japan WANT a defensive military, so, they should have it.

The pro said that they turned this argument because citizens are at risk if they don’t reform article 9, but that will hurt them EVEN MORE. Because if this; 

Second, Reforming Article 9 will provoke many Nations. Fit example, China because reforming Article 9 would be a diplomatic disaster with China. Thus, aggravating them even more. China would see militarization of Japan as a personal threat to their dominance in the East Asian region. This conflict could start a world war between Japan and China. This aggression from China would start the MINUTE Article 9 is passed, giving Japan NO time to prepare, train, or reintroduce offense to their military, thus leaving them vulnerable and at the mercy of China. Therefore, Reforming Article 9 can destroy Japan and only make China stronger. 

Third, Japan is the model every nation should strive towards. The UN strives to maintain peaceful resolution to conflicts. Japan’s Article 9 works in line with and supplements such UN efforts. Countries who aren’t a part of the UN would not like seeing Japan become a powerful country because of their close proximity and ties to Western Europe. 

The pro said that Japan having a strong military would help the UN more. But Japan doesn’t necessarily have a weak army, they just dont have an aggressive one, because they believe in resolving peacefully, which IS in line with the UN. 

Judge picking the pro side means you support: Japan’s citizens having no say in their own military, Japan being destroyed by China in another World War, and no peace. 

Thank you Judge, I urge you to pick the con as the winner of this debate.